About Samwise Seeds

Samwise is a small-lot seed supplier and organic producer enamored with things that grow. A nod to a fictional gardener of a fictional people in a fictional world, the story behind our brand stems from a desire for slow living, epic feasting, and the overabundant joy of working in harmony with the Earth. Through our seeds, seedlings, kits, and farmers market selection, we welcome you to our community of like-minded gardeners and hope to inspire a garden that brings you life.


About the Head Gardener, Ryan Deer

Some of my earliest memories are from my grandad’s garden, pulling up handfuls of potatoes or running through the towering corn stalks with my sister and cousins. It took 20 more years for me to find my own green thumb, but those lessons in the dirt never left me. Now, I’m a gardener and cultivator dedicated to growing honest, and honestly delicious, fruits and vegetables. With a pragmatic mind and rebellious spirit, I love to empower people to put down food pyramids and polished store-boughts and take nourishment into their own hands.